Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Solo Rengay/Travel-WestCoast

duty free
whales lingering
in eel grass

vernal equinox
the tides go slack

songs of humpback
traveling through water
migrating current

trumpet flowers
in the north wind
sound of jazz

dressed for the cold
memory of pine

the road
to my mountain home
once under the sea

John Merryfield
April 2, 2009


John Merryfield said...

mountain road-
white blossoms
frozen everywhere

bandit said...

I wish I was along for the ride;
wait, I am!

John Merryfield said...

Very generous of you Willie. It was fun.

bandit said...

I really love that 'mountain home'!


John Merryfield said...

I knew the verse linkage was off, after reading yours, so I had to change it. I visited haikuworkshop and read more about it and masago was very helpful. This is exactly why the structure is so helpful for me to learn. I'm understanding haiku more from this renku and renhai...

bandit said...

Hey, can you ever hear the whales sing?
Had a discussion about it in regard to a poem-

John Merryfield said...

Yes, you can hear the whales sing. Some of the most mystical experiences I've ever had were after falling off a wave while surfing, tumbling under water until the wave passes, in that following calm, i've heard the singing, whining, crying of unseen humpback whales. beautiful.

unseen whale songs-
a home for tears
to arrive

el coyote said...

I am so glad I found this blogging site! Again, I am totally amazed!!!!